Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Deepawali is a Sanskrit word which means “the row of lamps”.

Deepam ( The oil lamp) is given much importance in Hindu religion.  Deepam is said to be the symbol of paramatma (The God). So every pooja or auspicious ritual begins  with lighting up of a  deepam.
The lamp of oil gives us light, the light is the sign for joy ,   wealth, wisdom,
Virtue  etc.

Deepawali is celebrated all over the country.  It’s a most favourite fest for the children. It’s most beautiful and joyous.   All the lamps in rows making a huge chain when lit up in the very dark night  is  very glorious and dazzles. When  all the houses are decorated with the lights are seem ablaze in golden yellow colour exquisitely are very amaze and amuse to look at, the lights give the people enough will power and new spirit to cope with all odds.
Deepawali is a sign of victory over vice by the virtue as Lord Srikrishna killed the Narakasura a very strong demon with the help of his beloved wife Satya.  Lord Krishna then released the 16000 young ladies from prison who were molested by the Naraka.  He then  recovers the ear ornaments of Adithi the mother of King of Gods Indra, and also the white umbrella of the God Varuna.

So the people welcomed Lord Krishna with lamps and auspicious sounds of  drums and trumpets for the splendid victory.  So today people light up the oil lamps and make the sound of mangala dhwani(auspicious sounds)  by  firing the crackers of fire work.
Deepawali is celebrated for two days. Dhanalaxmi vratham will be observed.
Laxmi the Godess of  wealth will be worshipped. So that the  people to  know the importance of money. Deepawali is a unique festival celebrated in entire country every nook and corner.

 Hindu ancient inscriptions Vedas tell us that the man is made of Pancha Maha bhuthas (  Five Great elements)i.e. the earth, water, air , sky and the fire.

So every festival is aimed to harmonize man with the nature as like as  a baby get comforted when  reach the lap  of  his mother.
The oil lights  use the vegetable oils the gingelly oil or cow ghee. When they  lit up at a time   numerously,  purifies the weather, at  the end of  rainy season. The season will be often very dangerous   and  will abundant with micro organism.

  Scientifically the lamps kill the micro organism and purify the weather by decomposing the dangerous gases.  The fire work also kills the bacteria and viruses that they emit sulphurous compounds when fired.
The oil lights also acts as mosquito repellers  too. 
The People very commonly white wash their houses and paint. They decorate their houses with mango leaves and Mary gold flower garlands and series of colourful series of bulbs in the eve of Deepavali .  This festival  gives us a new look and aesthetic sense to keep our houses , streets  get beautified.

 Deepawali is a significant festival which gives a  war m pleasure, a lot of  joy. This is the festival  of colour full dazzling lights, crackers, and sweets at  the begining of cold weather and strengthens the public relation and family relation with love and affection.